IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security
29 June - 1 July 2020 // Virtual Conference

Student Travel Grant

IEEE CNS 2020, along with IEEE, ARO and other sponsors, would like to encourage student participation at the conference. With the support IEEE and ARO, CNS 2020 will be able to partially support the registration costs of student registrants who might otherwise be unable to participate in the virtual conference.

All eligible applications will be considered, especially female and under-represented minority students. We encourage those who do not have a paper in the conference but wish to participate, to submit a travel grant application. The number and amount of awards will be determined based on the available funding and the applications received. The awardees will receive registration waiver to participate in the conference.

Type of Grant

The IEEE CNS 2020 conference is pleased to announce the availability of the following type of student travel grant:

- Travel grants sponsored by the IEEE Communications Sosty for students only.

- ARO travel grant opportunity for US-based students and junior faculty and researchers

Eligibility Requirements

Following the application guidelines below, a student or junior researcher may apply if she/he is eligible. The eligibility criteria are:

  • These student travel grants are sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society. Applications are invited from qualified full-time graduate students. To qualify, a student must (i) be a valid Student Member of the ComSoc at the time of application; (ii) be a full-time student registered toward a Bachelors, Masters, or Ph.D. degree in engineering or related field in a college or university when submitting the application; (iii) applicant may not receive more than one IEEE ComSoc STG in any 12-month period.
  • This year, we will have limited support for junior researchers (postdoctoral researchers and junior faculty). A junior researcher applying for the travel grant has to be affiliated with an accredited U.S. institution at the time of attending CNS 2020. Junior researcher travel grant is sponsored by the Army Research Office.

Note that travel grant recipients will receive registration waiver codes. Applicants please wait for the codes before registering the conference.

Application Materials

Applicants should create their application as a single PDF file, following the format described below. Direct links to the submission (based on eligibility criteria above) on the following links:

Applicaitons from IEEE ComSoc, ARO for students, ARO for junior researchers should be submitted via EDAS STG site.

An application for a travel grant will consist of:

  • A request letter from the student or applicant (see below).
  • CV of the applicant.
  • A supporting letter from the graduate advisor (for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers only; junior faculty does not need to provide a supporting letter).

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

The request letter from the student should include the following information:

  • Name
  • Affiliation
  • Address
  • Type of applicant (junior faculty, postdoc, PhD, MS, undergraduate, etc.)
  • A clear indication of the type(s) of travel grant the applicant is applying for (A and/or B)
  • Number of years that the applicant has been in the current program, and expected date of completion of degree (for students only)
  • Name and email address of advisor (for students and postdoctoral researchers)
  • Title and Authors of paper presenting at CNS 2020 conference, if applicable (not required).
  • A short statement (maximum 250 words) describing briefly why the applicant wants to attend CNS 2020.

The advisor's recommendation letter for the student or postdoctoral researcher should include:

  • Confirmation that junior researcher or student is a full-time postdoc, Ph.D., or M.S. candidate in good academic standing at the given institution.
  • Explain how this particular researcher/student would benefit from attendance at the conference.
  • The strengths and potential contributions of the student.
  • Confirm the financial need for the student to attend the conference

Deadlines and Dates

Application Due: 8 June 2020
Award Decisions Made to the Applicants: 13 June 2020


Travel grant awardees are required to provide taxpayer information (e.g., SSNs in the US) if applicable.


If you have a question, please contact the Student Travel Grant Chairs, Qiben Yan and Rui Zhang.
